Fine Line Marine Electric, Inc. provides ABYC, NMEA and Lloyd’s certified marine electricians for your yacht's electrical and electronic needs. Fine Line is proficient with maintenance and troubleshooting as well as new installations. \r\n\r\nWhether adding a new outlet or doing an entire refit, Fine Line has the experience you need to get the job done right the first time, on time. Our staff has over a century of combined experience in the yachting industry. Many on our team have sailed as captains, chief engineers and mates on some of the finest yachts in the world, and understand the crew’s needs.\r\n\r\nSliding doors, PLC controls, shore power, surveys, energy management, galvanics, generators, controls, navigation, entertainment, lighting, megohm testing, thermal imaging, fire safety, monitoring, stabilizers, bow thrusters, passerelles, cranes, wireless control, tenders, refits, switchboards, schematics - these are just some of the many projects Fine Line has completed in the past year.\r\n\r\n??Our team is committed to upholding the highest level of workmanship you can expect from Fine Line. With more than 15 years in the marine industry, Fine Line Marine Electric has established a reputable network enabling us to help you with all of your yachting needs.... Show more